Faruq - One who distinguishes truth from falsehood. Fadil, Fadhl, Fazl - Generous, honorable. Dhul-Fiqar - Name of the Prophet's sword. Baha al Din, Bahiyy al Din - Magnificence of thefaith. Azeem, Azim - Defender, referring to one ofAllah'sninety-nine qualities. Arif - Corporal aquainted, knowledgable. Altair - The flying eagle also refers to afirstmagnitude star in the constellation Lyra. Hadrat Ali (may Allah bless his countenance) was known for immense Hikmah (Allah-given wisdom), bravery, ferocity, and depths of knowledge, amongst many other noble qualities. Also the name of one of the greatest Companions of Nabi Muhammad, May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. `Ali, Aliyy - The highest, greatest, excellent, noble. Aladdin, Ala' al din - Nobility of faith. `Aqil - Intelligent, thoughtful, one who usesreason. For example,Ahmad Abbas, Ahmad Ali, but not simply Ahmad. If one wishes to choosethis name for himself, he should have a second name after it. Ahmad, Ahmed - Most highly adored, or most praised variation of the name "Muhammad." A very holy name.
Abu Bakr wasthe first Rightly Guided Khalifa.
Abu Bakr - Name of one of the greatest Companionsof Nabi Muhammad, May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. O Abdul-Shakur - Servant of the Most Thankful O Abdul-Sami - Servant of the All-Hearing O Abdul-Razzaq - Servant of the Maintainer, theProvider O Abdul-Ra'uf - Servant of the Most Merciful O Abdul-Rashid - Servant of the Rightly GuidedOne O Abdul-Rahman - Servant of the Merciful One
O Abdul-Rahim - Servant of the Most Compassionate One O Abdul-Rafi - Servant of the One Who Raises,Elevates(intellect, esteem) O Abdul-Quddus - Servant of the Most Holy O Abdul-Qahhar - Servant of the Subduer, theAlmighty O Abdul-Qadir - Servant of the Capable, Powerful O Abdul-Nasir - Servant of the Helper, Protector O Abdul-Nasser - Servant of the Victorious One
O Abdul-Muta'al - Servant of the Most High O Abdul-Mu'izz - Servant of the Giver of MightandGlory O Abdul-Majid - Servant of the Glorious One O Abdul-Malik - Servant of the Master (or King) O Abdul-Karim - Servant of the Noble, GenerousOne O Abdul-Jalil, Abdul-Jaleel - Servant of theGreat,Revered One O Abdul-Hasib - Servant of the Respected, Esteemed O Abdul-Hamid - Servant of the Praised One O Abdul-Halim - Servant of the Mild, Patient One O Abdul-Hakam - Servant of the Arbitrator O Abdul-Ghaffar, Abdul-Ghafur - Servant of theForgiver O Abdul-Fattah - Servant of the Opener (of thegatesof sustenance) O Abdul-Aziz - Servant of the Mighty, PowerfulOne Below arethe ways one can have Allah's Name as part of his name: Before anyof Allah's names, this prefix is to be found for a person's name.